Thursday, January 21, 2010


So right off the bat I will give you what I think the Best Album of the 60's, The Most Influential Album of the 60's, and Best Song of the 60's is, and from there you can choose to continue reading. Please note, I am just a dude who likes music and have no idea if the music I have chosen is reflected on any list (but I bet they are).

Best Album: The Beatles- Rubber Soul.

Most Influential Album: The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds.

Best Song: The Beach Boys - God Only Knows.

Best Album: The Beatles- Rubber Soul.

There are two camps when it comes to best albums + The Beatles. Those who think Revolver is the best, or those who think Sgt. Peppers is the best. Now, both of these albums are the amazing, do not get me wrong. If I was on a desert island with my top 100 albums, they would both be in my treasure chest. However, if I was on a desert island with only five albums, Rubber Soul would be one of the five.

In this world, there is nothing better than listening to this album, frontwards to back, and taking it in. This was The Beatles at the beginning of their musical journey. Yes, there are at least a hundred recordings previous to this record, but it was here that they began to shine. Take away a few garbage songs on the album, the rest is solid gold. For me, The song In My Life is the number 1 song Lennon/McCartney ever wrote. It is an important album- Harrison starts to shine as a lyricist and instrumental innovator, Lennon starts to seem more comfortable with his singing, and McCartney truly begins to put substance into his lyrics (most of the songs are written for his impending break-up with then girlfriend Jane Asher). Hell, even Ringo gets creative by flicking a matchbook as percussion during the song I'm Looking Through You. This is the best Beatles album, and no matter how many revisions to the list, or new expanded remastered albums they put out, Rubber Soul will always be their best.

Most Influential Album: The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds.

It is almost fitting that the most influential album of the 1960's was born from the best album. When Brian Wilson heard the album Rubber Soul by The Beatles, he realized that musically The Beach Boys needed to go places. Wilson began writing songs with lyricist Tony Asher, and the result, in my opinion, is the most influential album of the 1960's. This album, besides giving the world amazing songs, was what would usher in the world of studio experimentation. One could say, well George Harrison (The Beatles) was playing the Sitar and George Martin(The Beatles producer) was messing around with the studio space, but Brian Wilson took experimentation and made it into a cohesive, grand experience. Any band, from May 1966 onwards who ever flipped a knob and found brilliance, owes that inspiration to this album.

Best Song: The Beach Boys - God Only Knows.

What can someone say about this song that has not already been said. This is one of the best songs of all time. Now saying that might lead you to believe that I am saying it is great amongst rock and roll or the music post Elvis shaking his hips. No, I am saying it is one of the best of ALL time. Throw in a couple songs by Mozart and Beethoven and you are on your way. When people in the future are carbon dating our bones and picking up bits of our culture and they happen upon this song, they will think we were a beautiful species. I am going on record with this blog that no one has written a more beautiful song since and I am guessing no one will. I danced to this song with my wife at our wedding. case closed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Best, Influential Albums and Best Songs

So I have been in a heated debate with my old buddy Chris about what was the best song of the 1990's. Chris and I have of course agreed to disagree( for now) but in the interim, the discussion has prompted me to take a look at the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and 00's and pick my favorite album, the most influential album, and the best song of the decade. I decided I would blog about it and see everyones reaction. By no means am I the definitive answer to great music, but I thought it would be interesting to see what others reactions would be. Chris may get a little pissed at me but am going out on a limb