Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today I have discovered a song that may or may not mark the end of my status as a fan of great music.

Now, you may be asking.. what song is it, Ryan?

This song was recorded in 1992.

This song won the Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocals in 1993.

The song I am referring to is k.d. Lang's "Constant Craving".

That's right friends, I am in love with a love song sung by a lesbian.

This song might be the most amazing song ever put down on record. I am a grown man of 28, and after hearing this song I am surprised how moved I was. This was not the first time I heard this song. I can remember that my mother had this album and played this song like 900 times on a car trip between G-town and Champaign-Urbana. Of course, the repetitive nature of hearing a song over and over can ruin it for a person, especially for a twelve year old who had just discovered Nirvana. Nevertheless, as an adult and hearing this song, I am completely floored at how honest the lyrics are, and how thoughtful the production value lends itself to k.d. Lang's voice.

I may have destroyed any shred of integrity I have as it relates to blogging about music, but who cares. This song is a gem.

1 comment:

*mar* said...

It's interesting when you can actually listen to a song rather than just hear a song, isn't it? Glad to see you've found a gem back from the early 90's. . .I'm sure K.D. Lang is proud. :)