Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ryan's Top 100 Albums of the Decade

It has been a while since I have posted. This is mostly due to school, and work, and a new house we are building, and a baby that is coming in November. However, all of this aside, it is no excuse to ignore all four of my followers and therefore I think I will commit more time with this.

For some news( besides the house and the arrival of a child), I also quit smoking which has seriously impeded my creativity. Truly, the greatest synapse enhancer is nicotine, and with it drained from my body, I have lost a lot of energy to type out anything. Thus my absence.

Now, I am definitely feeling better and am ready to tackle a monumental task. I am going to compile my thoughts on the top 100 albums of the last decade. Now that a new decade is just around the corner, traditionally it is the job of VH1 and MTV and Rolling Stone Magazine to analyze what the greatest songs of the decade have been. If you want an expert opinion, I suggest following them. If you want a list of my top 100 songs, then keep reading. I will be posting my first album shortly and hope I can finish this list by Jan. 1st. We will see.

Also you can email me or post a comment on here if you have your own idea for a great album. I will then listen to the album and find an appropriate place on my list.


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