Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Shit for Brains on my Train

I originally was going to post this as a haiku and spent a few minutes on this ride coming up with the right words. The truth is that the guy sitting right in front of me warrants more than a few sentences of carefully crafted verse.

The guy sitting in front of me is roughly 5 ft 4 and weighs close to 160 lbs. He has salt and pepper hair, glasses, and a blackberry that was in style roughly three years ago. He is also the most annoying man I have ever had to deal with in the general proximity. He is loud, obnoxious and from the idle conversation he shares with a few riders I think he is a lawyer. Oh and he is also an extreme creature of habit thus creating the issue between us.

Every night I get on the train while it is relatively empty, I take a seat and draw out the demons of the workday by listening to my IPOD or reading or writing. When obnoxious gets on the train he makes it a point to announce that I am not Richard. Apparently the seat I am in is reserved for this mysterious Richard. He yells this every single day.

Oh wait I am stopping this rant to say his annoying compadres just showed up to spend their time being loud and obnoxious. I guess, taking into account that obnoxious man rolls with a pack, that he is guilty by association or by culture. It is evident that they are just the coterie of idiots that make up the population of Lockport. So it goes.

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