Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I Am Reading This Holiday Season

A couple weekends ago I joined my wife's family for a college football game in Ann Arbor. I love college football games because of the energy and the excitement. This game was by far the best one we had been too, mostly because the Fighting Illini and Michigan went into overtime and battled back and forth, until, sadly Illinois fell short.

It was also a nice weekend because neither my wife or I had to drive. This gave me the opportunity to pick up a magazine at a truck stop to read on the way home. The truck stop we stopped at had a very dismal inventory of magazines, so instead of my preferred Sports Illustrated, I ended up picking up a Rolling Stone.

After reading a couple great articles about Conan O'Brien and Taylor Swift, I read a great book review about Keith Richards. Keith just wrote his autobiography with James Fox called "Life". Now because the review was so good, I thought I would pick up a copy from Amazon. Boy was I not disappointed. I am currently a hundred pages into it, and simply reading about Keith Richards upbringing has been a joy. I cannot even imagine what a ride I will be in for once we get into the Rolling Stones years.

My second book on the agenda is Decision Points by President George W. Bush. Now this book at first would seem political, but skimming in it seems very insightful and thoughtful to the Bush presidency, and how he came to make the decisions that would, for better or worse, shape his presidency. Far be it to me to wax poetic about a presidency, however I am one of the few out there in the world who think that as history evolves, the eight year term term of G.W will be looked at differently, with fresh, respectful eyes.

I imagine these two books will last me, but if there are any suggestions I would appreciate it.

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