Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why I Disappeared

So as my five followers have noticed I was on a great blogging rampage leading into labor day and then completely disappeared. I will not lie that some of this was laziness but for the most part the business of life sort of caught me by surprise. While I was blogging about leaderships lessons and great websites, I was also on the sly, looking for a new job. It had come to the point at my last job that I had become way to comfortable, with the work and the people and the business. Life in the office was one repetitive task after another, and I was slowly just evolving into the type of worker who spends his days surfing the internet and not caring about th output. In mid-August, after a good month of refining my resume, I found a hit. I had two very good interviews, and by October 15th, I was in a new company where my hard work and ideas would be appreciated.

During that time I was also taking three classes at Depaul that for lack of better phrase, were kicking my ass. The worst of the three was a statistics class that was taught online and totally utilized Microsot Excel to formulate problems. Now this may seem like an easy class, but trying to create formulas in Excel and copy and paste data from one tab to another was time consuming. Not to mention this class had one huge project each week.

So I abandoned the blog for a while. But I am back over the holiday break and hope to really dive in to the blogosphere.

sorry for the interuption.

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