Thursday, March 19, 2009

Conversation Overheard

If you ride the Red Line you become privy to some great information. Case in point the three guys who stood over me today. By looking at them I could tell they were Art students, but the conversation alone was amazing. I have named them Dweezil, Johan, and Kevin. Please not I have taken some liberty with the dialogue, but the topics were true.

Dweezil: You know I am excited about graduating.

Johan: So it is your Masters, right.

Dweezil: Yep, but in writing. I am going to write the Great American Novel.

Ken: Then why are you working in the video department.

Dweezil: Digital media is my hobby, writing is my passion. That is why I am not living in Seattle.

Ken: Seattle? I thought you were from Kentucky.

Johan: Seattle, Kentucky..It is all relative.

Dweezil: No I was living outside of Seattle and was taking classes at the community college.

Ken: Tacoma?

Dweezil: Bellevue, and I was in community college and working at Nordstroms

Ken: Nordstroms is for girls.

Dweezil: no way man, I was pulling down some serious cash..enough cash that I almost didn't leave. I was shining shoes and pulling nearly 250 a day.

Ken: 250 a day for shining shoes.

Dweezil: yep, and it was cushy. I would get into work at 9 and work until 5. I would sit in a big leather chair and watch sports center and shine shoes for a living. It was the greatest job in the world.

Johan: Why did you leave?

Dweezil: It was a girl Johan, a girl made me leave my home and then I was living in Chippewa Falls for a while with her and doing the whole domesticated thing, and then when she left I came down to Chicago.

Ken: Sounds like you should have stayed in Seattle.

Dweezil: No Seattle is overrated, but shining shoes is amazingly profitable. I am thinking about taking it up again if I cannot find a publisher.

Johan: Great I have a few penny loafers at home you can start with.


So for Dweezil, Johan, and Ken life went on when I left the train, and I have really no idea why I felt compelled to tell this story, but that Nordstroms in Bellevue sounds amazing.

1 comment:

Leah Beyer said...

Almost makes me want to shine shoes. Almost.